North Carolina Education Library Services. Negative 10241-D. It is a cherry “So long” waved by Miss. Julius Amis, Supervisor WPA Library Projects, as this “bookmobile” starts its first trip to Greene, Lenoir, and Jones counties. Remodeled from a discarded 1934 pick-up truck, this vehicle supplements the demonstration one owned by the sponsoring State Library Commission. This makes the 16th “bookmobile” in North Carolina operated by the WPA the State and several counties, distributing books to country libraries, crossroad stores, rural homes, and factories. Records of the Work Projects Administration (WPA), RG69N, General Subject Series, 1933-1944. Box 13. National Archives in College Park, MD.
世界史の中で、図書館の始まりを考えると、すでに紀元前の時代から始まっていたと言われています。移動図書館は、ヨーロッパでは18世紀後半には始まっていたようですが、米国では、1905年にメリーランド州のワシントン郡立図書館の最初のライブラリアンであったマリー・レミスト・テイットコム(Mary Lemist Titcomb: 1857-1932)によって始められました。彼女は 図書館に図書を用意して人々がやってくることを待つという発想だけでは十分ではなく、もっと一歩踏み込んで、そこまで図書館まで来ることができない人々のもとまたは地域へ直接図書を届けるべきだという考えを持って、馬車形式の移動図書館を始めました。(参照:①Mary Lemist Titcomb at Maryland State Archives: https://msa.maryland.gov/msa/educ/exhibits/womenshallfame/html/titcomb.html
②The First Bookmobile - Washington County Free Library, MD at Western Maryland’s Historical Library: https://www.whilbr.org/bookmobile )
その後、移動図書館が急速に普及をしたのは、1930年代のことでした。1929年の9月の米国での株の大暴落をきっかけとして起こった世界恐慌、そして当時の米国のフランクリン・ルーズベルト大統領が、それを克服するために打ち出したニューディール政策が、大きく流れを変えることになりました。このニューディール政策を遂行した最大でかつ重要な機関が、公共事業促進局(または雇用促進局:WPA: 当初はWorks Progress Administrationであり、後にWorks Projects Administrationとなった。)であり、当時の大量の失業者を雇い、公共建築や公共施設の建設を推進し、また音楽や美術、演劇、執筆・研究活動の分野の専門家も雇用してそうした活動を保護しました。こうした動きの中で、地域の図書館建設も拡大し、また移動図書館の活動も広がっていくことになりました。
英語では、移動図書館は、Mobile Library, Bookmobile, Book wagon, Library truck, Traveling libraryなどの言葉となり、米国国立公文書館にも移動図書館に関する興味深い写真資料がまとまってありました。

Left: Kentucky Knott Co. Hindman. Education Library Service. Negative 12782-C。Taken Jan. 11, 1938. Carriers mostly women, travel the remote sections of the state by horse and mule. They meet once a week at their library headquarters where the saddlebags are replenished with books for eager mountain folk. These carriers are paid a small salary by the WPA in Kentucky.
RG69N Box 13.
Right: Kentucky Leslie Co. Cut shin. Education Library Service. Negative 12878-C.Trails are hard and riding is dangerous excepting at such points where the Works Progress Administration has completed its farm to market road program. From Records of the Work Projects Administration (WPA), RG69N, General Subject Series, 1933-1944. Box 13. National Archives in College Park, MD.

Left: Kentucky Mill Creek, Knott Co. Education Library Services Negative 12794-C.
This young mountain wife shortly is to become the mother of her first child. The WPA’s Pack Horse Librarian has for months furnished her with literature on hygiene and the care of infants. She will probably go through her confinement without the aid of expert medical attention, but she will receive the attention of the WPA’s housekeeping aid, if she so desires.
Right: Kentucky Knott Co. Hindman. Education Library Services Negative 13122-D. Pack Horse Librarians regularly read aloud to children in mountain schools. Note the rapt attention and the lack of desks for which chairs are substituted. Also, note the little girl in the front row who has brought a young brother of preschool age and holds him on her lap while he listens.
From Records of the Work Projects Administration (WPA), RG69N, General Subject Series, 1933-1944. Box 13. National Archives in College Park, MD.

Left: Issaquena County, Mississippi. Education Library Service. Negative 336-C. Bayon boat route reaches tenant farmers with books. Issaquena Country, Miss.
Right: Louisiana. Education Library Service. Negative 18770-D. WPA Library Project. Country folk welcomes the arrival of the WPA bookmobile from which they may obtain books and various reading materials for entertainment.
From Records of the Work Projects Administration (WPA), RG69N, General Subject Series, 1933-1944. Box 13. National Archives in College Park, MD.

Left: North Carolina WPA. Library Service Negative 8418-D. North Carolina WPA. The Travelog, traveling library, this vehicle is a loan from the Penland Wavers to the WPA educational program. It is named The Travelog. Since its 4 months of operation, over 5,000 volumes have been distributed from it in Mitchell, Avery, and Yancey Counties, where there is no library service of any kind. The WP educational department has secured the donation od three other trucks which it uses as traveling libraries.
Right: Colorado, Larimar County. Education Library Services. Negative No. 10628-B. Boxelder School bookmobile stop of the Larimer County, Colorado Library Service conducted in cooperation with the Colorado WPA Statewide Library Service Project.
From Records of the Work Projects Administration (WPA), RG69N, General Subject Series, 1933-1944. Box 13. National Archives in College Park, MD

Left: Texas Henderson Rusk County, 5/17/1939. Education Library Service Negative 21543-D. Bookmobile set up ready for use.
Right: Washington Little Rock Thurston Co. 4/24/1939. Education Library Service Negative No. 21245-D. Zone No. 7 Library Project-Official Project No. 665-93-3-59. Children selecting books inside the book mobile. Clifford Guston at the registration desk.
From Records of the Work Projects Administration (WPA), RG69N, General Subject Series, 1933-1944. Box 13. National Archives in College Park, MD

Left: Colorado. Education Library Service. Negative No. 22815, WPA Bookmobile.
Right: Ohio Clark Co. Education Library Service Negative 12784-C. A bookmobile permits the hiring by WPA of librarians who can assist the children in the wise selection of their reading matter. The man in the picture is the driver of the bookmobile. At stops, he assists in checking the books in and out. From Records of the Work Projects Administration (WPA), RG69N, General Subject Series, 1933-1944. Box 13. National Archives in College Park, MD
図書館関係の写真は米国国立公文書館にたくさんありますが、特に、1930年代の雇用促進局(Works Progress Administration/Works Projects Administration: WPA)の写真の資料群のRG69Nには、移動図書館関係の写真もたくさんあるので、とても興味深いと思います。また別の機会に当時の他のプロジェクトに関する写真もご紹介できたらと思います。(YNM)