
Left: This little five-year-old had no fear for Marines occupying the naval base at Sasebo.
Sasebo, Japan. 10/16/45. No. 137677. Box 102.
Right: Japanese tots also have dolls as play toys. But this brother, center, and sister team, with their grandmother beside a concreate mixer on a rural road near Yokosuka, play dolls in an entirely different manner than American children. Yokosuka, Japan. 12/10/1945. No. 138831. Box 102.
From 127GW 1525. RG 127GW (Records of the US Marine Corps Prints: Marine Corps Activities during WWII, 1941-1958). National Archives at College Park, MD.

Left:”Japan Today.” Mother and child in squalor of the bombed area. No. 148294. Box 103.
Right: A Japanese baby in her father’s arms. Sasebo, Japan. September 1945. No. 139147 Box 102.
1941-1958) Box 102.
From 127GW 1525. RG 127GW (Records of the US Marine Corps Prints: Marine Corps Activities during WWII, 1941-1958). National Archives at College Park, MD.

Left: Apparently not that war is over, Japanese children in Sasebo stare at an American plane overhead. Marine, assured them that no more bombs would be dropped. Sasebo, Japan. 9/23/1945. No. 139964. Box 102.
Right: This group of Japanese children depict the contrast of color found in wearing apparel in exotic Japan. The Eastern style of dress—picturesque kimonos with wooden sandals is predominant, however, the more modern style is rapidly gaining. Yokosuka, Japan. 01/05/1946. No. 139267. Box 102.
From 127GW 1525. RG 127GW (Records of the US Marine Corps Prints: Marine Corps Activities during WWII, 1941-1958). National Archives at College Park, MD.

Left: An outdoor class is held in the ruins of the burned school. Sasebo, Japan 12/02/1945. No. 140422. Box 103.
Right: Girls' dancing class on the playground, Okube primary school. In close-up, teacher is dancing with a pupil to complete paring. Sasebo, Japan. 11/25/1945. No. 138891.
From 127GW 1525. RG 127GW (Records of the US Marine Corps Prints: Marine Corps Activities during WWII, 1941-1958). National Archives at College Park, MD.

Upper Left: Japanese children playing games during recess period. Japan. 1945. No. 140400. Box 102.
Upper Right: Boys-fifth year-playing a combination of baseball (the diamond and bases), soccer (kicking) and volleyball 9the ball). Sasebo, Japan. 11/25/1945. No. 138903. Box 102.
Left:: Children working on school garden plot in primary school at Imari near Sasebo. This is a separate school about 30 miles away, but the picture can be tied into series. Sasebo, Japan. 11/25/1945. No. 138912. Box 102.
From 127GW 1525. RG 127GW (Records of the US Marine Corps Prints: Marine Corps Activities during WWII, 1941-1958). National Archives at College Park, MD.