米国では、炭酸飲料水は、直訳的には、カーボネイテイッド・ドリンクス(carbonated drinks )または、カーボネイテイッド・ベバリッジズ(carbonated beverages )ですが、通常は、ソーダ(Soda)、ソーダ・ポップ(Soda pop)、またはソフト・ドリンクス(Soft drinks)などと呼ばれています。
米国では、炭酸を作る技術は、すでに1760年代にあり、1789年には スイスで ジェイコブ・シュウェップ(Jacob Schweppe)が、ミネラルウォーターに炭酸を入れた飲み物を販売し始めました。19世紀に入ってから、その炭酸飲料に、甘味料を加えるようになり、1870年代に入って、現在でもお馴染みの、コカ・コーラやペプシ・コーラばども出てきました。(参照:Bellis, Mary. "The Troubled History of Soda Pop and Carbonated Beverages." ThoughtCo, Aug. 26, 2020, https://www.thoughtco.com/introduction-to-soda-pop-1992433 )

Left: Oakland, California. High School Youth. Typical of the youth of this nation is the tipped-up bottle of pop. Also typical is the school store, situated just across the street from the school, which sells candy, coca-cola, and cigarettes and at lunch time, a five-cent plate of beans. 5/4/1940. Record Group 119, Records of the National Youth Administration 1934 – 1945, Series: Study of Youth Photographs 1940 – 1940. 119-CAL-209. National Archives Identifier, 532259. National Archives in College Park, MD. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/532259

Left:"Sgt. Franklin Williams, home on leave from army duty, with his best girl Ellen Hardin, splitting a soda. They met at Douglas High School." May 1942. Record Group 208, Records of the Office of War Information 1926- 1951, Series: African American Activities in Industry, Government, and the Armed Forces 1941 – 1945. 208-NP-6LL-11. National Archives Identifier, 535838. National Archives in College Park, MD. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/535838
Right: Nyssa, Oregon. Japanese-American farm workers have an ice cream soda on weekly trip to town. 1942 July. Lee, Russell, 1903-1986, photographer. 2017819414. Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection (Library of Congress). Library of Congress, Washington, DC. https://www.loc.gov/item/2017819414/

Left:Cpl. Joseph Petrosky of 8=701 East Mahanoy St., Mahanoy City, PA, buys a bottle of “Soda pop” at the post exchange. 3/9/1944. Heleiwa, Oahu, Hawaii. .342-FH-3A41017-63001AC. Record Group 342, Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organization 1900 – 2003, Series: Photographs of Activities, Facilities and Personnel ca. 1940 – ca. 1983. National Archives in College Park, MD. National Archives Identifier, 204978393. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/204978393
Right: Photograph of Indian Worker Preparing Coca Cola. An Indian worker pours Coca-Cola syrup into bottles before filling them with the proper amount of water. After the bottles are cleaned they are kept covered until ready for use. 3/30/1942. 111-SC-337181. Record Group 111, Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer 1860 – 1985, Series: Photographs of American Military Activities ca. 1918 – ca. 1981. National Archives in College Park, MD. National Archives Identifier, 148727472. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/148727472

Left: Photograph of Coca-Cola Shipments Ready for China-Burma-India Troops. 10/23/1942. 111-SC-337184. Record Group 111, Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer 1860 – 1985, Series: Photographs of American Military Activities ca. 1918 – ca. 1981. National Archives in College Park, MD. National Archives Identifier, 148727478. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/148727478
Right: Photograph of T/5 Max Nahman of New Brunswick, New Jersey Supervises the Coca-Cola Packing Department. 10/23/1942. 111-SC-337182. Record Group 111, Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer 1860 – 1985, Series: Photographs of American Military Activities ca. 1918 – ca. 1981. National Archives in College Park, MD. National Archives Identifier, 148727474. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/148727474
下記の写真は、戦後まもなくの、ケンタッキー州フロイド郡の、ウィールライト(Wheel)right)という小さな炭鉱町の中にあった、ソーダ・ファウンテイン(Soda fountain)で、炭鉱での仕事のあとに、炭酸飲料を飲みながらおしゃべりを楽しんでいる風景です。このソーダ・ファウンテイン(Soda fountain)は、炭酸飲料を、アイスクリームやサンドウィッチやハンバーガーなどの軽食とともに提供するような店のことです。または、薬局や、コンビニエンスストアなどの中に、炭酸飲料を提供するカウンター形式の設備も意味しました。現代の感覚でいうと、日本にあるノンアルコールのドリンクバーといったものに近いかもしれません。

Left: Miners in soda fountain. Inland Steel Company, Wheelwright #1 & 2 Mines, Wheelwright, Floyd County, Kentucky.9/24/1946. Record Group 245, Records of the Solid Fuels Administration for War 1937 – 1948, series: Photographs of the Medical Survey of the Bituminous Coal Industry 1946 – 1947. 245-MS-3323L. National Archives Identifier, 541505. National Archives in College Park, MD. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/541505
Right: Ella Jane Fain (right) daughter of Harry Fain, miner, and her cousin have a coke in soda fountain prior to movie showing. Inland Steel Company, Wheelwright #1 & 2 Mines. Wheelwright, Floyd County, Kentucky. 9/21/1946.
Record Group 245, Records of the Solid Fuels Administration for War 1937 – 1948, series: Photographs of the Medical Survey of the Bituminous Coal Industry 1946 – 1947. 245-MS- 2963L. National Archives Identifier, 541426.
National Archives in College Park, MD. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/541426
下の写真は、ワシントン州のハンフォード・エンジニア・ワークス(Hanford Engineering Works)関係の中の写真で、その施設の中で働いていた人々が出入りしていたソーダ・フォンテインです。何年に撮影されたものは不明ですが、戦後まもなくか1950年台前半くらいのものだと思われます。戦争中、マンハッタン計画のもと、原爆を設計及び製造したニューメキシコ州ロスアラモス国立研究所、そしてウラン濃縮作業を担ったテネシー州オークリッジ国立研究所とならんで、このハンフォード・エンジニア・ワークスはプルトニウム精製を行っていた場所でした。戦後も精製が続けられようやく1960年代後半から1970年台にかけてそうした作業は停止されたと言われています。

Left:Soda Fountain. Record Group 434, General Records of the Department of Energy 1915 – 2007, Series Photographs Related to the Hanford Engineering Works 1943 – 1956. National Archives Identifier,7260611. National Archives of Seattle, WA. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/7260611

Left: [Interior of People's Drug Store, 11th and G Streets, Washington, D.C., with employees behind the counter of soda fountain and customers] [between 1909 and 1932] National Photo Co., Washington, D.C. No. 5843. Forms part of: National Photo Company Collection (Library of Congress). 2001701747. https://www.loc.gov/item/2001701747/

Left:Above: [Drug store with soda fountain, possibly in Detroit, Michigan] digital file from original. [between 1900 and 1920] Detroit Publishing Co. no. X 404. Gift; State Historical Society of Colorado; 1949. Detroit Publishing Company photograph collection (Library of Congress). 2016816701. https://www.loc.gov/resource/det.4a26693/