
Princess Elizabeth of Great Britain and President Harry S. Truman. President Harry S. Truman (left) and Princess Elizabeth of Great Britain pose for a photograph at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, D.C. during the Princess' visit to the United States. Original Signal Corps photo C-6740. 11/1/1951. Accession Number 2016-1671. Harry S. Truman Library and Museum, Independence, MO. https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/photograph-records/2016-1671

Washington, D.C. The British Royal couple entertained in honor of President and Mrs. Eisenhower at British Embassy with a state dinner 10/19/1957. Here, Queen Elizabeth, radiant in white satin, greets the smiling President Eisenhower, Mrs. Eisenhower, standing between Her Majesty and Price Phillip, wears an American Beauty silk damask. Photo No. 22496, Box 57. RG306PSD (Records of the United States Information Agency). National Archives in College Park, MD.

Price Philip and Queen Elizabeth II with President John F. Kennedy and Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy. 6/5/1961. PX96-33:17. (L-R): Prince Phillip, Jacqueline Kennedy, Queen Elizabeth II, and President John F. Kennedy at Buckingham Palace in London, UK. Photograph in the collection at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston, Boston, MA. https://www.jfklibrary.org/asset-viewer/prince-philip-and-queen-elizabeth-ii-with-president-john-f-kennedy-and-mrs-jacqueline-kennedy

Left: Queen Elizabeth II and Vice President Richard Nixon in London, England. 11/1/1958. Photo No. A10- Series: Photographic Materials, ca. 1926 - ca. 1994 Collection: Richard Nixon Foundation Collection of Audiovisual Materials, ca. 1926 - ca. 1994. ARC Identifier: 34929675. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/34929675
Right: Richard M. Nixon, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Phillip, Princess Anne, Prince Charles. Subject: European Trip - 1969. 2/24/1969. Photo No. NLRN-WHPO-0361-11. Series: Nixon White House Photographs, 1/20/1969 - 8/9/1974
Collection: White House Photo Office Collection (Nixon Administration), 1/20/1969 - 8/9/1974. ARC Identifier :194606. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/194606
Both photos from Richard Nixon Library (LP-RN), Yorba Linda, CA.

Left: Queen President Gerald R. Ford and First Lady Betty Ford Standing With Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip of Great Britain on the Truman Balcony following the State Arrival Ceremony. 7/7/1976. Photo No. B0549-30. ARC Identifier: 12004844. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/12004844
Right: Photograph of President Gerald Ford Dancing with Queen Elizabeth II during a State Dinner Held in Her Honor. 7/7/1976. Photo No. B0570-24. ARC Identifier: 6923701. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/6923701
Both photos from Series: Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs, 8/9/1974 - 1/20/1977, Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), 12/6/1973 - 1/20/1977. Gerald R. Ford Library (LP-GRF), Ann Arbor, MI.

Left: President Laughing at Remarks By Queen Elizabeth II at a Dinner Honoring Her at M.H. De Young Memorial Museum in San Francisco California with George Shultz and Helena Shultz. 3/3/1983. Photo No. C13267-11. ARC Identifier: 75852687. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/75852687
Right: President Ronald Reagan Riding Horses with Queen Elizabeth II During Visit to Windsor Castle. 6/8/1982. Photo No. C8454-18. ARC Identifier: 75856835. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/75856835
Both photos from Series: Reagan White House Photographs, 1/20/1981 - 1/20/1989, Collection: White House Photographic Collection, 1/20/1981 - 1/20/1989. Ronald Reagan Library (LP-RR), Simi Valley, CA.
下記はブッシュ大統領(George H. W. Bush)でこの写真も素敵だと思います。

President and Mrs. Bush host a State Dinner for Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip of Great Britain at the White House. 5/14/1991. Photo No. NLB-WHPC-A-P21769(12).Series: George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs, 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993, Collection: Records of the White House Photograph Office, 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. ARC Identifier: 186433. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/186433
次のクリントン大統領も、エリザベス女王には会っていますが、NARAの資料からは見つけることませんでしたので、さらに次のブッシュ大統領(George W. Bush)の写真を紹介します。これらの写真からも楽しく交流をされていたことが伝わってきます。

Left: President George W. Bush Toasts Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain following Welcoming Remarks. 5/7/2007. Photo No. P050707ED-1231. ARC Identifier: 6734315. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/6734315
Right: President George W. Bush and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain Greet a Group of Children. 5/7/2007. Photo No. P050707ED-0576. ARC Identifier: 7431345. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/7431345
Both photos from Series: Photographs Related to the George W. Bush Administration, 1/20/2001 - 1/20/2009,
Collection: Records of the White House Photo Office (George W. Bush Administration), 1/20/2001 - 1/20/2009. George W. Bush Library (LP-GWB), Dallas, TX 75205.

Left: President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama visit with Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, prior to lunch at Windsor Castle in London, England, United Kingdom, April 22, 2016. Photo No. P042216LJ-0056. ARC Identifier: 200015673. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/200015673
Right: President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama are welcomed by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to Buckingham Palace in London, England, April 1, 2009. Photo No. P040109PS-0691. ARC Identifier: 176546668. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/176546668
Both photos from Series: Presidential Photographs, 1/20/2009 - 1/20/2017, Collection: Records of the White House Photo Office (Obama Administration), 1/20/2009 - 1/20/2017. Barack Obama Presidential Library (LP-BHO), Hoffman Estates, IL.