米国の東インド艦隊司令長官兼米使提督のマシュー・ペリー(Matthew Calbraith Perry)は軍艦4隻を率いて、1853年(嘉永6年)の6月に浦賀沖(神奈川県)に来航しました。その翌年、ペリーは再び来航し、幕府との間で日米和親条約を結ぶことになります。こうして日本は200年以上続いた鎖国政策が解かれました。その後、ペルー艦隊は1854年3月に静岡県の下田に来航することになります。(参照: https://www.city.shimoda.shizuoka.jp/category/100400shimodanorekishi/110778.html )

Commodore. Matthew C. Perry
Series: 19th Century Prints Brady and Quartermaster Photographic Prints, and Other Civil War Views, ca. 1860 – ca. 1941; Record Group 165: Records of the War department General and Special Staffs, 1860 – 1952; National Archives at College Park, MD [online version available through the Archival Research Catalog (ARC Identifier 167250856) at www.archives.gov; April 22, 2020]

Map of Shimoda Harbor, Japan.
Record Group 11: General Records of the United States Government, 1778 – 2006. Series: Maps Relating to Treaty Negotiations and Executive Agreements, 1819 – 1978; National Archives at College Park, MD [online version available through the Archival Research Catalog (ARC Identifier 2619342) at www.archives.gov; April 22, 2020]

Left side: Photograph No. 111-SC 288794; Black Ship Festival Day in Shimoda, Japan, July 7, 1947. Crowds of spectators pass through the bamboo entrance to the grounds where the Black Ship Festival is held at Shimoda, Japan, July 7th, commemorating the 93rd Anniversary of Commodore Perry’s landing in Japan in 1854. Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Record Group 111-SC; National Archives at College Park, MD.
Right side: Photograph No. 111-SC 288796; Black Ship Festival celebrated at Shimoda, Japan: Members of the Shimoda High School girls’ choir join in the ceremonies celebrating the Black Ship Festival Commemorating Commodore Perry’s entry into Japan in 1854. July 7, 1947. Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Record Group 111-SC; National Archives at College Park, MD.

Left side: Photograph No. 111-SC 288798; Colorful Black Ship Festival Day in Shimoda, Japan, July 7, 1947. Commodore Perry’s flag ship is used as the theme for a float, during the Black Ship Festival in Shimoda, Japan. Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Record Group 111-SC; National Archives at College Park, MD.
Right side: Photograph No. 111-SC 288800; Black Ship Festival revived in Japan: July 7, 1947. Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Record Group 111-SC; National Archives at College Park, MD.
在日米総領事館は、初代米国総領事にタウンゼント・ハリス(Townsend Harris)が着任し、ここ下田の玉泉寺に臨時の領事館を開いたことから始まります。

Photograph No. 111-SC 288801; First American Consulate in Japan: Spectators at the Black Ship Festival Celebrating Commodore Perry’s Landing in Japan in 1854, visit the building in Shimoda, Japan, which housed the first Amerivan Consulate in Japan. July 7, 1947. Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Record Group 111-SC; National Archives at College Park, MD.

Letter form the Shogun of Japan: Record Group 59; General Records of the Department of State 1763 – 2002. Series; Notes from Japan Regarding the Treaty of Yedo, 1860 – 1862. Scope& Content; This letter expresses appreciation for the accomplishments of Townsend Harris during his stay in Japan. National Archives at College Park, MD [online version available through the Archival Research Catalog (ARC Identifier 6883712) at www.archives.gov; April 22, 2020]

The Japanese tall ship Nippon Maru and a Japan Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF) Hatsuyuki class Destroyer HATSUYUKI (DD 122), Escort Flotilla 4 (Yokosuka), 41st Destroyer Division, anchored just outside Shimoda during the 65th Shimoda Black Ship Festival. The Festival commemorates the 150th anniversary of Commodore Matthew Perry's opening of the Japanese port in 1854. Record Group 330: Records of the office of the Secretary of Defense, 1921 – 2008. Series: Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files, 1982 – 2007; National Archives at College Park, MD [online version available through the Archival Research Catalog (ARC Identifier 6641162) at www.archives.gov; April 22, 2020]