標的となったのはワールドトレードセンター・ツインタワーの他にも米国国防総省本庁舎(ペンタゴン)ですが、これら以外にも、もう1機、ハイジャックに成功しワシントンD.C.へ向かっていた旅客機もありますが、成功したのはハイジャックまでで乗客・搭乗員がテロ攻撃を阻止した事で失敗へと終わっています。このUnited 93(またはFlight93)の物語もテロ攻撃後からとても広く知られています。

(The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United Statesによって作成されたハイジャックされた旅客機のポスター。この資料と同時にテロ攻撃の詳細なタイムラインも閲覧する事ができます。)
Map of Four Flights and Timeline of Events on September 11, 2001, Series: Records of the Commission's General Services Administration Building Office, 3/2003 - 8/2004 [Online Version available though the Archives Research Catalog (ARC Identifier:5899988) at https://catalog.archives.gov/id/5899988 on 5/4/2020] These poster size graphics were made by the staff of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, more popularly known as the 9/11 Commission, for display during the Commission's public hearings. They depict the movements and timeline of events related to the four planes hijacked by terrorists on the morning of September 11, 2001, as well as the U.S. Air Force fighters that were scrambled to intercept them.

写真(左)ワールドトレードセンターの被害を上空から撮影した写真[9/15/2001]An aerial view, days after the terrorist attacks on American soil, the towers of the World Trade Center (WTC) sit as a pile of rubble in the streets of New York City. The rescue and recovery efforts continue with tons of debris slowly removed from the site. The view is toward the northwest, with an American flag draped on World Financial Center (WFC) tower two, and the Verizon Building on the right , Series: Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files, 1982 - 2007[Online Version available though the Archives Research Catalog (ARC Identifier:6604923) at https://catalog.archives.gov/id/6604923 on 5/4/2020]
写真(右)ペンタゴンの被害を上空から撮影した写真[9/14/2001]An aerial view, two days later, of the impact point on the Pentagon where the hijacked American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757-200 entered, breaking up in the process. Shortly after 8 AM on September 11, 2001 in an attempt to frighten the American people, five members of Al-Qaida, a group of fundamentalist Islamic Muslims, hijacked Flight 77 from Dulles International Airport just outside Washington DC. About 9:30 AM they flew the aircraft and 64 passengers into the side of the Pentagon. The impact destroyed or damaged four of the five "rings," in that section, that circle the building. That section of the Pentagon was in the finishing stages of a renovation program to re-enforce and ... , Series: Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files, 1982 - 2007[Online Version available though the Archives Research Catalog (ARC Identifier:6523868) at https://catalog.archives.gov/id/6523868 on 5/4/2020]

写真(左)ペンタゴン建物内部の被害 View of a damaged office on the fifth floor of the Pentagon. Shortly after 8 AM on September 11, 2001 in an attempt to frighten the American people, five members of Al-Qaida, a group of fundamentalist Islamic Muslims, hijacked American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757-200, from Dulles International Airport just outside Washington DC. About 9:30 AM they flew the aircraft and 64 passengers into the side of the Pentagon. The impact destroyed or damaged four of the five "rings" in that section that circle the building. That section of the Pentagon was in the finishing stages of a renovation program to re-enforce and update the building. Fire fighters fought the fire through the night. The ... , Series: Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files, 1982 - 2007[Online Version available though the Archives Research Catalog (ARC Identifier:6523865) at https://catalog.archives.gov/id/6523865 on 5/5/2020]
写真(右)ペンタゴン建物内部の被害(旅客機が衝突した衝撃で止まった時計)A clock, frozen at the time of impact, inside the Pentagon. Shortly after 8 AM on September 11, 2001 in an attempt to frighten the American people, five members of Al-Qaida, a group of fundamentalist Islamic Muslims, hijacked American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757-200, from Dulles International Airport just outside Washington DC. About 9:30 AM they flew the aircraft and 64 passengers into the side of the Pentagon. The impact destroyed or damaged four of the five "rings" in that section that circle the building. That section of the Pentagon was in the finishing stages of a renovation program to re-enforce and update the building. Fire fighters fought the fire through the night. The ..., Series: Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files, 1982 - 2007[Online Version available though the Archives Research Catalog (ARC Identifier:6523866) at https://catalog.archives.gov/id/6523866 on 5/5/2020]

写真(左) New York, N.Y., Sep. 14, 2001 -- New York City firefighters and emergency personnel conduct response operations at Ground Zero following the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, Series: Photographs Relating to Disasters and Emergency Management Programs, Activities, and Officials, 1998 - 9/26/2016 [Online Version available though the Archives Research Catalog (ARC Identifier: 24476901) at https://catalog.archives.gov/id/24476901on 5/7/2020] The original finding aid described this as: Date Taken: 2001-09-14 00:00:00 UTC Photographer Name: Dana Trytten City/State: New York, NY Disasters: New York Terrorist Attack (DR-1391) Disaster Types: Terrorism Categories: Response
A nighttime view of the Pentagon Building showing smoke rising from the building after the September 11, 2001 attacks. The dome of the Capitol Building is visible in the background, Series: Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files, 1982 - 2007 [Online Version available though the Archives Research Catalog (ARC Identifier: 6610692) at https://catalog.archives.gov/id/6610692on 5/7/2020]

写真(左)[9/14/2001] Seen through a broken out window, New York City firemen and rescue workers walk beneath an American flag as the men work their way toward the heart of the devastation that was once the World Trade Center in New York City, New York, on September 14, 2001, Series: Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files, 1982 - 2007[Online Version available though the Archives Research Catalog (ARC Identifier:6527676) at https://catalog.archives.gov/id/6527676 on 5/6/2020] The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: New York State: New York (NY) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: JO1 Preston Keres, USN Release Status: Released to Public
写真(右)[10/3/2001] 911: Ground Zero, Series: Photographs Related to the George W. Bush Administration, 1/20/2001 - 1/20/2009 [Online Version available though the Archives Research Catalog (ARC Identifier:5997364) at https://catalog.archives.gov/id/5997364 on 5/6/2020] Original caption: A worker stands at Ground Zero in New York City.

写真(左)[5/8/2009] World Trade Center [site, eight years after the 9/11/2001 terrorist attack, viewed during visit of] Secretary Ken Salazar to New York City, New York - 5/8/2009, Series: Photographs Relating to the Secretary's Trips, Speeches, and Other Functions, and Agency Officials, Events, and Managed Sites, 2005 – 2013 [Online Version available though the Archives Research Catalog (ARC Identifier:55047861) at https://catalog.archives.gov/id/55047861 on 5/6/2020] World Trade Center [site, eight years after the 9/11/2001 terrorist attack, viewed during visit of] Secretary Ken Salazar to New York City, New York Photographer: Tami Heilemann--Interior Staff Date: 5/8/2009
写真(右)[2/6/2002] Reconstruction of the Pentagons northwest section continues nearly around-the-clock as construction crews pour cement for floors and walls on to replace those damaged in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack, Series: Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files, 1982 – 2007 [Online Version available though the Archives Research Catalog (ARC Identifier:6658514) at https://catalog.archives.gov/id/6658514 on 5/6/2020] The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Pentagon State: District Of Columbia (DC) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Grant Greenwalt, CIV, Dod Release Status: Released to Public
【参照Web Site】
・History: September11 Attacks
・Flight 93/National Memorial Pennsylvania: History & Culture-The Flight 93 Story
・DoSomething.org: 11 Facts about 9/11
・History: Rebuilding of Ground Zero
・History: Pentagon-Location, Building Timeline, 9/11
・Support the Guardian: Ground Zero stops burning, after 100 days
・ニューヨーク、ワールドトレードセンター跡地:9/11 Tribute Museum
・バージニア、米国国防総省本庁舎(ペンタゴン):The National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial
・ペンシルベニア、ユナイテッド93墜落跡地:Flight 93/ National Memorial Pennsylvania