
FIRST JAPANESE WOMAN JUDGE: Miss Mitsuko Ishiwata receives her judicial research and training institute diploma from Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Japan. This qualified her as a legal counsellor at law and she will be appointed a full fledged judge next week by the attorney general. She will be the first woman in Japan to achieve this position. 17 May 1949.
Photograph No. SC-321725: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Record Group 111-SC; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.
下の写真は、説明書きにはJapanese Voting, 1946, Tokyoとしか書かれていないので、詳細はわかりませんが、1946年に女性が投票している様子を撮影したものです。

Photograph No. 20505: RG208 Box14 Folder:208-PR-QR Foreign countries -Japan; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.

With the aim of organizing the Women Diet Members’ Club, Mrs. Shizue Kato, Social democrat, is shown speaking to twenty-one of thirty-nine women members of Japanese Diet, at first meeting since election, in the Diet Building, Tokyo, Japan. 25 April 46.
Photograph No. SC-244450: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Record Group 111-SC; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.

Commissioner Lewis J. Valentines (second from left) accompanied by Japanese Police Chief (left) and Valentine’s female interpreter (second from right) interviews one of the girls graduating in the First women’s Police Corps. Tokyo, Japan. The exercise took place at the Police Training School, Tokyo, Japan. 4/27/46.
Photograph No. SC-244453: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Record Group 111-SC; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.

Japanese Woman Policeman keeps pedestrians in safety walk at busy intersection in downtown Tokyo Japan. This new addition to the Japanese Police has helped to promote safety and prevent accidents in conjected traffic areas throughout the city. 11 June
Photograph No. SC-249690: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Record Group 111-SC; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.
・内閣府男女共同参画局 http://www.gender.go.jp/policy/sanseiken70/index.html