
Japan: Record Group 75: Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1793 - 1999. Series: Correspondence, 1907 - 1920. File Unit; Rose Bowl Parade, 1917 – 1918. Scope& Content: This photograph, taken by Harold A. Parker of Pasadena, California, depicts the Japan float in the 1917 ca. Rose Parade. National Archives at College Park, MD [online version available through the Archival Research Catalog (ARC Identifier 44276882) at www.archives.gov; May 5, 2020]

Left side: Pedestrian Bridge in Japan: Record Group 30: Records of the Bureau of Public Roads, 1892 - 1972. Series: Historical Photograph Files, 1896 - 1963. File Unit: Foreign - Japan. National Archives at College Park, MD [online version available through the Archival Research Catalog (ARC Identifier 169140266) at www.archives.gov; May 5, 2020]
Right side: Hill Near Mogi, Japan: Record Group 30: Records of the Bureau of Public Roads, 1892 - 1972. Series: Historical Photograph Files, 1896 - 1963. File Unit: Foreign - Japan. National Archives at College Park, MD [online version available through the Archival Research Catalog (ARC Identifier 169140150) at www.archives.gov; May 5, 2020]

Left side: Photograph of First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton Visiting the Meguro Incineration Plant in Tokyo, Japan. 7/8/1993. Series: Photographs Relating to the Clinton Administration, 1/20/1993 – 1/20/2001. Collection: Photographs of the White House photograph Office (Clinton Administration), 1/20/1993 -1/20/2001. Scope & Content: This item is a photograph of First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton visiting the Meguro Incineration Plant with G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit spouses in Tokyo, Japan. The First Lady is presented with flowers from school children. The image was photographed by Barbara Kinney. National Archives at College Park, MD [online version available through the Archival Research Catalog (ARC Identifier 2637239) at www.archives.gov; May 5, 2020]
Right side: First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks with Taiko Drummers in Japan, 3/20/2015. Series: Presidential Photographs, 1/20/2009 – 1/20/2017. Collection: Records of the White house Photo Office (Obama Administration), 1/20/2009 – 1/20/2017. Scope & Content: Original caption: First Lady Michelle Obama joins Taiko drummers at center drum prior to a tour of the Fushimi Inari Shinto Shrine in Kyoto, Japan. National Archives at College Park, MD [online version available through the Archival Research Catalog (ARC Identifier 138925766) at www.archives.gov; May 5, 2020]

Industries of War - Silk - Silk production in Japan: Record Group 165: Records of the War Department General and Special Staffs, 1860 - 1952. Series: American Unofficial Collection of World War I Photographs, 1917 - 1918. File Unit: Industries of War - Silk. Scope& Content: Original Caption: Silk production in Japan. Weighing raw silk. Silk is shipped from Japan to the Cheney Silk Company, South Manchester, Connecticut, where many necessary war materials are manufactured. National Archives at College Park, MD [online version available through the Archival Research Catalog (ARC Identifier 45489593) at www.archives.gov; May 5, 2020]

Left side: President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan Visit the Reflecting Pool and Lincoln Memorial, 4/27/2015. Series: Presidential Photographs, 1/20/2009 – 1/20/2017. Collection: Records of the White house Photo Office (Obama Administration), 1/20/2009 – 1/20/2017. Scope & Content: President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan walk from the Reflecting Pool toward the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., April 27, 2015. National Archives at College Park, MD [online version available through the Archival Research Catalog (ARC Identifier 157649620) at www.archives.gov; May 5, 2020]
Right side: President Barack Obama's Table setting for the Japan State Dinner, 4/25/2015. Series: Presidential Photographs, 1/20/2009 – 1/20/2017. Collection: Records of the White house Photo Office (Obama Administration), 1/20/2009 – 1/20/2017. Scope & Content: President Barack Obama's place is set at the table prior to the State Dinner for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan in the East Room of the White House, April 28, 2015. National Archives at College Park, MD [online version available through the Archival Research Catalog (ARC Identifier 157649626) at www.archives.gov; May 5, 2020]

AS07-11-1984 - Apollo 7 - Apollo 7 Mission, Japan: Record Group 255: Records of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1903 – 2006. Series: Photographs of the Apollo Space Program, 11/9/1967 - 12/19/1972.Scope& Content: Description: Apollo 7, Japan, Kyushu, Kagoshima Bay, East China Sea. Near vertical. Cloud Cover 40%. Altitude 125 miles. Latitude: 31' degrees 25' North, Longitude: 130' degrees 41' East. Original film magazine was labeled P. Flight Date: October 11-12. 1968. National Archives at College Park, MD [online version available through the Archival Research Catalog (ARC Identifier 16666896) at www.archives.gov; May 5, 2020]

Japan Population Change, 1935 - 1940, 1947. Record Group 263: Records of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1894 – 2002. Series: Published Maps, 1947 – 2015. National Archives at College Park, MD [online version available through the Archival Research Catalog (ARC Identifier 159080753) at www.archives.gov; May 5, 2020]
最後に、日本の国旗や菊花紋章、徳川幕府、その当時の主要な大名の家紋の紋章が描かれた図解です。1868年7月21日(明治元年)、在日米国公使であったロバート・B・ファン・ファルケンブルグ氏(Robert B. Van Valkenburgh)が米国国務長官であったウィリアム・ヘンリー・スワード氏(William Henry Seward, Sr.)へ送ったことが記載されています。(参照:https://jp.usembassy.gov/ja/our-relationship-ja/former-ambassadors-ja/)また、竹筒の入物には上質な装飾がされている事が記載されており、こちらもNARAのサイトから見ることが出来ます。

Illustrated Chart of the Flags of Japan, the Mikado, the Tokugawa Shogunate, and Daimyos: Record Group 59: General Records of the Department of State, 1763 – 2002. Series: Despatches from Diplomatic Officers, 1789 – 1906. Scope & Content: This item is a hand-painted chart showing the flags of Japan, the Mikado, the Tokugawa shogunate, and the leading daimyos of the time. In the center of the chart are the flags of Japan, the Mikado, and the Tokugawa shogunate. In addition, there are three flags for each of the leading daimyos, or lords, of the time. The chart includes text in Japanese identifying each flag. This chart was an enclosure to "Despatch from United States Minister to Japan R. B. Van Valkenburgh to Secretary of State William Henry Seward, July 21, 1868" (ARC Identifier 5716484). Van Valkenburgh sent the chart to Seward in a highly decorated case: "Bamboo Case for Illustrated Chart of the Flags of Japan, the Mikado, the Tokugawa Shogunate, and Daimyos, ca. 1868" (ARC Identifier 5716487). Van Valkenburgh's despatch includes a list in English identifying each of the flags on the chart. National Archives at College Park, MD [online version available through the Archival Research Catalog (ARC Identifier 5716486) at www.archives.gov; May 5, 2020]