1945年に日本が降伏し第二次世界大戦が終わると、日本は連合軍占領下となりました。そういう中で日本に駐留していた米軍兵士と仲良くなり結婚する日本人女性も少なからずいました。そういう女性たちのために「花嫁学校」(Brides School)というのがあったようです。

Minutes of Meeting on Brides Schools, 19 August 1957, Washington Heights Civilian Club; War Brides, Japan and Korea, Japanese War Bride School; Central Decimal Files, 1947-1964 (Group 4); RG ANRC-Records of the American National Red Cross (Entry UD-UP 4, Box 1280); National Archives at College Park, MD

Brides’ School; War Brides, Japan and Korea, Japanese War Bride School; Central Decimal Files, 1947-1964 (Group 4); RG ANRC- Records of the American National Red Cross (Entry UD-UP 4, Box 1280); National Archives at College Park, MD

Photograph No.111-SC-527670 ; The reception room of the Tokyo Chapel Center, Tokyo, Japan, during registration for the fall 1955 Tokyo Brides School; Photographs of American Military Activities, ca.1918 - ca.1981; Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, 1860-1985 ; RG111-SC (Box 1179); National Archives at College Park, MD

Photograph No.111-SC-361328 ; School for Brides, Japanese brides of American soldiers attend a school at the Masonic Temple, Tokyo Japan, to learn Western living conditions as they exist in the United States. This meeting marks the beginning of a “School for Brides” in which over 300 Japanese girls attended. 16 Mar. 51; Photographs of American Military Activities, ca.1918 -ca.1981; Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, 1860-1985 ; RG111-SC (Box 764); National Archives at College Park, MD

American Red Cross Volunteer Services Tokyo Field Office, 4th Week, Basic Subject Matter of Brides’ School with schedule of Classes; War Brides, Japan and Korea, Japanese War Bride School; Central Decimal Files, 1947-1964 (Group 4); RG ANRC- Records of the American National Red Cross (Entry UD-UP 4, Box 1280); National Archives at College Park, MD
この写真は料理教室の様子です。Morton Saltという塩が使われてますが、これは全く同じパッケージで今もスーパーで売られています。

Photograph No.111-SC-462343 ; Mrs. Russell Steele, wife of Lt. Col. Steele, gives cooking instruction to Mrs. Joseph Y.B. Chung (Center) and Mrs. William A. Miller in her home at Washington Heights, Tokyo, Japan. The class is part of the instruction of brides school for Japanese brides and brides-to-be. The school teaches American customs and culture to Japanese girls in preparation for their trips to the United States with their husbands. 15 November 1955; Photographs of American Military Activities, ca.1918 - ca.1981; Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, 1860-1985 ; RG111-SC (Box 997); National Archives at College Park, MD

Subject: Bride’s School, Course: Cooking; War Brides, Japan and Korea, Japanese War Bride School; Central Decimal Files, 1947-1964 (Group 4); RG ANRC- Records of the American National Red Cross (Entry UD-UP 4, Box 1280); National Archives at College Park, MD
これらの資料に接して感じたことは、時代がずいぶん前なので今のように「みんなちがって、みんないい」(金子みすず)ではなく、アメリカに同化させてアメリカ人として生きていくことを目的としたクラスであったように思います。この花嫁学校に参加して生存されている方はかなりのご高齢になられていると思いますが、どのような人生をアメリカで過ごされたのでしょうか? (MU)