米国公文書館の中には、米軍のシベリア派遣に関する資料がたくさんありますが、今回は、American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia 1918-1919(米国シベリア遠征軍)の写真資料をご紹介したいと思います。場所は、シベリア、オムスク、スーチャン(現パルチザンスク)、ウラジオストク、バイカル湖周辺などであり、その内容は、アメリカ、イギリス、フランス、日本、ロシア(反革命勢力―白色)、チェコスロバキアなどの将校や兵士、捕虜となったロシア革命勢力(赤色)の兵士、ロシア難民、コリアンの人々、ぞれぞれの町や建物、市場、軍事活動や宗教的儀式、兵士の娯楽などといった多岐にわたるものになっており、当時の様子を理解するうえで非常に貴重な資料であると思います。

Left: Photograph No. 7005. “Peace Parade, Allied nations, Vlad. Sib. Lead by US Troops 31st Inf. Nov. 15, 18.” Right: Photograph No. 7017. “Peace Parade, Vladivostok, Sib. Nov. 15, 18.” Japanese soldiers.” Record Group 395: Records of US Army Overseas Operations and Commands, 1898-1942, Entry SE, Box 2, American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia, National Archives at College Park, MD.
1918年当時は、シベリアにおいて、米国と日本は足並みをそろえていたことがわかります。下記の写真は同年11月16日のものでハバロスクにおける米軍第27師団司令官のステイヤーとその部下と日本軍第12師団司令官の大井成元 とその部下達が並んでいます。この第12師団は当時の日本では、小倉(現北九州市)が本拠地であったかと思います。

Left: Photograph No. 18. “Col. H.D. Styer, 27th Infantry, Capt. C.A. Shamotulaki, Adjutant. Lt. General Oi, 12th Japanese Division, Major Yoriguchi, Col. Matsuyama, Chief of Staff at Japanese Hdqrs, Khabarovsk, Siberia, Nov. 16, 18.” Right: Photograph No. 19. “Col. H.D. Styer, Commanding 27th Inf., Lt. Gen. Oi and staff officers of 12th Div. Japanese Army in front of Japanese headquarters, Khabarovsk, Sib. Nov. 16, 18.” Record Group 395: Records of US Army Overseas Operations and Commands, 1898-1942, Entry SE, Box 2, American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia, National Archives at College Park, MD.

Left above: Photograph No. 236. “Russian soldiers grouped around a fire. These fires are essential for very often the temperature reaches 49 degrees below.” Right above: Photograph No. 237. “Merchants in the streets of Ekaterinburg also build fires to combat the cold.” Left below: Photograph No. 88. “Merchants in the streets of Ekaterinburg also build fires to combat the cold. “ Right below: Photograph No. 230. “Washing clothes in a hole cut in the ice. Scenes of these refugees doing the family wash are quite common throughout Russia and Siberia.” Record Group 395: Records of US Army Overseas Operations and Commands, 1898-1942, Entry SE, Box 1, American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia, National Archives at College Park, MD.

Left: Photograph No. 317. “House in Ekaterinburg, Russia. As it looked with the stockade built around it when the Czar and family were kept prisoners there by the Bolshevik” Right: Photograph No. 216. “Headquarters of the Czech-Slovak staff at Ekaterinburg, Russia. It was in this building that the Czar and family were held prisoners by the Bolshevik and where they were supposed to have met there death.” Record Group 395: Records of US Army Overseas Operations and Commands, 1898-1942, Entry SE, Box 1, American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia, National Archives at College Park, MD.

Left above: Photograph No. 5010. “Refugees who have set up house-keeping in the third class waiting room of Vladivostok station. Thousands of families have no shelter save that provided by the railway stations.” Right above: Photograph No. 5012. Russian refugees, by the thousands have fled before the ravaging Bolshevik, seeking sanctuary under the protection of the allies. With what few earthy possessions they have saved, the wait the day when they can return to their home in peace.” Left below: Photograph No.292. Driven from their homes by the invasion of the Bolshevik, in the fighting zones. Thousands of refuge families male their homes in box cars in the railroad yards all along the railroads. Men, women and children are thus herded together, very often without heat, except that which the close association of human bodies crowded together will give. Photograph made in Dec. 1918 at Omsk, Siberia.” Right below: Photograph No. 214. “Thirteen captures Bolshevik former Tomsk Government heads, in the prison at Ekaterinburg. They have all been executed.” Record Group 395: Records of US Army Overseas Operations and Commands, 1898-1942, Entry SE, Box 1 and 2, American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia, National Archives at College Park, MD.
反革命軍の総司令官となったアレクサンドル コルチャークの写真もありました。彼は連合国の支援を受け、またロシア内のその他の反革命軍(白軍)と協力して、勢力を広げましたが、1919年後半には革命軍(赤軍)の勢力が圧倒するようになり、翌1920年1月に彼は革命軍側に捕えられ翌月には処刑されてしまいました。また、反革命軍が勢いに乗っていた時には次々と新たな軍隊を作りましたが、中には12歳という子どもも多くいたらしくそうしたところにも限界があったのかもしれません。

Left: Photograph No. 253. “Admiral Kolchak, Director of All Russians, portrait study of the Admiral close up. Photographed in Omsk, Siberia, November 1918, a few days after he took up the duties of Director.” Right: Photograph No.437. “The new Russian Army is made of thousands of boys, many of them were twelve years old.” Record Group 395: Records of US Army Overseas Operations and Commands, 1898-1942, Entry SE, Box 1, American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia, National Archives at College Park, MD

Left above: Photograph No. 115. “Koreans and Russian women screening coal at shaft one. Suchan, Sib. Nov. 27, 18.” Right above: Photograph No. 126. “Korean Bull cart. Suchan, Sib. Nov. 27, 1918.” Left below: Photograph No. 207.”Grinding wheat in a Korean village near Nicolsk, Siberia.” Right below: Photograph No.205. “Korean Village scene. Woman chopping food.” Record Group 395: Records of US Army Overseas Operations and Commands, 1898-1942, Entry SE, Box 1, American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia, National Archives at College Park, MD.